Note: Our January meeting will now be held virtually over Zoom. If you are not on the book club email list, please contact Kelly at kmckewin [at] (kmckewin[at]rgpl[dot]org) to be sure you receive the meeting link if you're interested in joining the discussion.
We're kicking off the New Year with the Carpe Librum book club by reading the first adult novel from award-winning poet and writer Elizabeth Acevedo. Family Lore tells the story of multiple generations of women in a Dominican-American family, tracing each of their lives and relationships across continents and decades. Copies of the book will be available for check-out at the circulation desk at the beginning of December.
Interested in getting updates about the Carpe Librum book group? Email kmckewin [at] (kmckewin[at]rgpl[dot]org) to be added to our book club email list. We welcome new members to join our book discussions at any time.