Carpe Librum Book Club -- The Half Moon

Join us for the last book club meeting of 2023, where we'll be discussing The Half Moon by Mary Beth Keane. Taking place over the course of one tumultuous week, this novel follows a couple in a small town navigating the complexities of marriage, family, and re-shaping their futures when their dreams go awry. Copies of the book will be available for check-out at the circulation desk at the beginning of November—just ask for the latest Carpe Librum title! New members are always welcome!

Note: Our December meeting will now be held virtually over Zoom. If you are not on the book club email list, please contact Kelly at kmckewin [at] (kmckewin[at]rgpl[dot]org) to be sure you receive the meeting link if you're interested in joining the discussion.

Carpe Librum December Meeting for The Half Moon