Census Application Event

A US Census representative will be a the library to assist anyone wishing to apply for a 2020 Census position.  Most Census positions will last several weeks, and positions include census takers, recruiting assistants, office staff, and supervisory staff. The positions provide:

•Competitive wages
•Weekly paychecks
•Flexible hours
•Paid training

Some positions require evening and/or weekend shifts, because employees must be available to interview members of the public when they are at home. To learn more about positions, contact your area Census office at ‪‪1-855-JOB-2020‬‬ (‪‪1-855-562-2020‬‬) and select option 3. You may also use the Federal Relay Service at ‪‪1-800-877-8339‬‬ for TTY/ASCII.

Visit ‪www.2020census.gov/jobs‬ for more information!

Rosemary Garfoot PublicLibrary, 2107 Julius St, Cross Plains, WI 53528
A picture of the US Census questionnaire cover.