Carpe Librum Book Club -- The Husbands

Join the Carpe Librum Book Club for our final meeting of 2024! We'll be discussing The Husbands by Holly Gramazio, which follows Lauren as she comes home one night to find a husband she's never seen before in her life living in her apartment. As she tries to figure out how she could be married to someone she doesn't remember, her husband goes up to the attic to change a light bulb and abruptly disappears—only to be replaced by a new man who insists that he's her husband. What follows is a novel about life, love, and how to figure out what path to follow. Copies of the book will be available at the circulation desk at the beginning of November.

The book club will also be discussing our favorite (and least favorite) book club reads from 2024, and previewing some upcoming titles in 2025. New members are always welcome to join us for the discussion!

Questions? Email Kelly at
Carpe Librum Banner for The Husbands by Holly Gramazio